Wearing Your SONIC Skinsuit

How to wear it correctly

We have made great effort to develop the Sonic skinsuit in cooperation with the British national team. The skinsuit has been carefully designed to provide the maximum advantage in fighting air resistance and meets demanding aerodynamic requirements. To function as intended, it must fit perfectly, becoming your second skin. Here are some tips on how to put the skinsuit on and what to avoid so that the skinsuit serves you for a long time.

1)  Rolled up ends of legs

To put on the skinsuit more comfortably, we recommend rolling up the ends of legs. This prevents the silicone endings gripping to your skin when you do not want them too. You can then slip into the skinsuit more easily, especially if your legs are sweaty.

2)  Adjusting the legs

After putting the skinsuit over your legs, adjust the hem of legs to the usual position. If the hem of legs is too low, the inner pad will not fit perfectly.

3)  Default position of the zipper

When putting on the upper part, do not fully unzip the skinsuit. The skinsuit’s design is very tight, and the tension created when putting on the upper part could adversely affect the lifetime of the zipper, even though it is a robust top-class zipper.



4)  Number pocket

The skinsuit has an inner number pocket where you can insert the number before putting the skinsuit or the upper part of the skinsuit on.

5)  Rolled up ends of sleeves

To put on the skinsuit more comfortably, we recommend rolling up the ends of sleeves. This will prevent the silicone endings gripping to your skin where you don't want it to. You can then slip into the skinsuit more easily, especially if your arms are sweaty.

6)  Adjusting the sleeves

After putting on the upper part, adjust the sleeves so that their ends are not creased and they fit perfectly on your shoulders.

7)  Zipping the skinsuit

There is only one step left: to zip the skinsuit. You can do so more easily when slightly bending forward.

The Sonic skinsuit was created for a sole purpose: to provide the maximum advantage in high-speed cycling. We hope that our innovative Sonic skinsuit will help you to achieve desired results regardless of your chosen discipline. Good luck!


Skinsuit L/S SONIC AERO X9 | blue

Available in long

or short sleeve versions.

Skinsuit S/S BRIOS AERO X9 | black

Available in long

or short sleeve versions.

Skinsuit L/S SONIC 18 | ENDURANCE 

*in your own custom/club design*

Also available - short sleeve skinsuit S/S PRO 09 | Brios/Goffrato.